Wellow Brook, Wellow
The water is single bank fishing downstream of the Wellow village river ford.
Access points;
- Postcode BA2 8QL
General description.
The Wellow Brook is a well-known trout water and people pay hundreds of pounds a year to join other neighbouring clubs to get access to it. Our fishing is around three quarters of a mile of single bank fishing, our bank is the left hand bank looking upstream whilst Avon and Tributaries Angling Association rent the right bank.
Like the Mells water it’s also fly fishing only using barbless or flies with crushed barbs, if you want a fish for the pot then please visit a stocked Rainbow trout water as the fishing here is catch and release to protect the stock of wild trout. Wading is the best fishing option as the banks are deliberately kept overgrown to create the best environment for these wild fish.
The season is from the first of April to the fifteenth of October.
The downstream end of our beat is marked by a pedestrian bridge and goes upstream to one field downstream of the Wellow ford.
Known Species
- Brown trout.