The River Mells, Mells Estate

The River Mells, Mells Estate Water, Mells.

This water is upstream of our Vallis Vale stretch and goes all the way to the Mells Village. Access points;

  • Downstream end, BA11 3JA
  • Upstream in Mells village, BA11 3PF

General description.

To some anglers the River Mells, which is also known as the Mells Stream is the most prolific of Somerset’s small stream wild trout waters. The fish are extremely opportunistic and will make a grab for any nymph or dry fly that comes into their view.

Our water runs downstream from the village of Mells through the Wadbury Valley, passing the Old Fussells’ Iron Works (,_Mells) and joins with the upstream end of our Vallis Vale stretch. As you walk downstream you’ll also see the “Mells Waterfall” which is actually the outflow from the nearby Whatley Quarry.

The water is best fished by wading and moving stealthily upstream casting to fish that show themselves or by drifting your fly past likely fish holding spots.

It’s fly fishing only using barbless or flies with crushed barbs, if you want a fish for the pot then please visit a stocked Rainbow trout water as the fishing here is catch and release only to protect the stock of wild trout.

The season is from the first of April to the fifteenth of October.

Mells is a beautiful village ( and if you want to coincide your visit with some hospitality try the excellent Talbot Inn (, the walled garden for an delicious wood fired pizza ( or if you prefer a coffee and cake from the Mells Café (

Known Species

  • Brown trout